Tag Archives: blog

10 Great Social Media Learning Blogs for Beginners and Where to See More!

When I first started this thing called social media, I had no idea where to begin.  As dumb luck would have it, I stumbled across a Mashable post referring to a blog aggregator called Alltop by Guy Kawasaki. This fantastic tool allows you to find blog information about all types of subjects. You can also customize your own page so you can see what interests you. Some of my favorite social media blogs are listed below.

Chris Brogan Community and Social Media

CC Chapman Managing the Gray Podcast-Learn to use Social Media and Emerging  Technologies

Mashable Social Media Guide

ReadWrite Web


Smart Briefs on Social Media

Social Media Today

Liz Strauss Successful Blogs

123 Social Media

The Harte of Marketing


I hope this helps you as much as it did me. What are your favorite social media blogs? I am always looking to learn.


Automotive News

Volkswagen teams up with digital media agency http://ow.ly/iAf5

The Best Niche Social Media News Sites Right Now
