Tag Archives: fear

Hello my name is Christine and I have a FEAR of Blogging.



Ok. The truth is out. As a marketing professional  and social media speaker (who advises clients to blog) I am afraid to do so myself. My husband John is the writer on our team and creates fabulous blog posts, speeches and detailed proposals for clients. I help create the concepts, do the research and design the graphics, etc.  I have been providing useful links on this blog but no original content. I know I need to blog.

Here are the reasons I am scared:

1.  I have slight  dyslexia and tend to get my letters mixed up.

2.  I cannot spell.

3.  I now wear tri-focal glasses and have trouble seeing the computer screen.

4.  Verbal communication comes much more naturally to me.

5.  I read a great deal. Books, papers, blogs . . . so I know what good writing looks like.

6.  I am a “people pleaser” and I am afraid not everyone will like me. (If I do this right, not everyone will.)

7.  Most of all I don’t want to appear stupid.

What am I doing? First I Googled “Fear of Blogging” and found out I am not the only “fraidy-cat” out there. Then I read the posts of some  great informative bloggers such as Chris Brogan, Chris Garrett, and Charles Bohannan.

So, here I am for better or worse. I hope that my ongoing posts on social media marketing and other aspects of marketing will not only help inform others but will help me face my own fear.

What is stopping you?  I’d really like to know. Maybe we can help each other.

